Saturday 18 May 2013

Buck and Brush Fiddlehead Trail

A crew of six drove out to Fiddlehead Farm early Thursday morning. Ray, Craig, Eagle, Pat, Doug and David behind the camera.

We bucked blowdown and brushed salal and salmonberry bushes basically from the ruins of the old historic farm at about KM 81 to nearly Vomit Vista (Confederation Lake area) at KM 75.
This stretch of the Sunshine Coast Trail is one of the most remote, along with West Tin Hat Trail on the other side of the valley.
We always appreciate getting reports that allow us to address the most urgent situations first. Here Ray is carefully working his way through a tangle of blowdown that has fallen across the trail.

Doug moves the sections of the blown down trees that Ray has cut up.
We are aiming to go back up to Fiddlehead again next week because we have had reports that the winter blowdown  has also been extensive on the Tin Hat side of the valley and that some sections on the way up to the hut need brushing sorely.
Ray finishes the last couple of trees...
...and then it's time for lunch.

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