Monday, 30 May 2011

Inland Lake - Lost Lake

Leaving the boatlaunch in bright sun - on Sunday - round the S end of Inland Lake and past the first 'pier' round a rocky head, we found at last the trail to Lost Lake, marked with a 'Portage to Lost Lake' sign.
Does anyone really take a canoe up here? It seemed very optimistic, being steep and muddy; I'd hate to carry a boat down this!
The steep bit was short, though, coming soon to an old road and the jog right to the continuing trail to Lost lake.

Here, many of the 'Lost Islands' sported pretty clumps of small pink blooms, making a nice foreground to Mt Mahoney.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Mount Troubridge snow condition report - Peter Behr

Still lots of snow up Trowbridge. I recommend anyone going wear snowshoes as they help keep you from falling into the “melt holes”.

There were some tracks of someone who wore boots and they went through the snow a few times.

Still three feet of snow at the top and a foot or 2 most of the way up from the Rainy Day Lake Rd. end.